Having the courage to look at ourselves from an honest place allows us to become observers of our pain rather than victims of it. We go from, “Why is this happening to me?” to “Why is this happening “for” me?”
This is not ignoring or denying what you feel, but rather being present (observing) what the pain is trying to unearth. The more you look, without judgment, the pain’s grip begins to loosen and we can see what’s underneath it.
Mirror Work for Building Self-Awareness
1. Ask: Why is this feeling, emotion, or experience in my life? A lot of things will come up, and many jumbled images will show up. Let them just be. Eventually, they will settle.
2. Observe any body sensations that might show up and where. Focus on that part of your body.
3. Tears might form; let them rip. This is your body releasing the pain that is stored. If you were raised in a family where you were shamed for crying, this might take a few tries. Be patient and kind to yourself. Unlearning things takes time; we want progress, not perfection.
4. Take deep breaths as needed. Sometimes nothing will come right away, and that’s okay.
5. Show gratitude for the pain—not for what happened. Pain is a form of language that enables us to understand, if we are willing, what needs healing.
6. Complete the exercise by saying, “Although I am dealing with ……….. (current issue), I love and accept myself.”
7. Keep a journal. Things will show up later. Write them down so that when you are ready, you can work on those areas of your life.
Let me know if you take this on.
©Raphaella Silva. All Rights Reserved 2024.